By Travis Uresk
| Vernal, Ut. | June 6th, 2024 |
Vernal City Police were called to a threatening detail in the area of 600 West 400 South. Dispatch advised the officer that the complainant stated that 47-year-old Billy Jack Watson was threatening to kill his mother.
Cpl. Johnstun contacted the complainant by phone, and he stated he had been getting text messages from Billy for the last two days threatening to kill his mother and then himself.
The complainant stated he contacted his mother and told her to leave the house because he was scared for her safety. He sent screenshots of the text messages to the officer, and the messages showed Billy threatening to kill his girlfriend.
Cpl. Johnstun contacted the female by phone, and she indicated she had left the house at her son's request. The officer asked the female to come to the police department, and she agreed.
Cpl. Johnstun met with the female at the police department and asked her what was going on. She stated she and Billy had been arguing for a long time and not getting along. The female indicated Billy did not have a job and that they argued about her buying things for Billy. The female indicated she and Billy had been living together since 2007 and shared a child.
The female said on 6/4/24, she had put $20 worth of gas in Billy's vehicle, and Billy was upset that she would not put more in. Billy threatened to drive her to the middle of nowhere and leave her. She asked Billy multiple times to take her home, but he refused.
The female said Billy drove past the turn to their home, and she became upset. She grabbed Billy's straw hat off the dashboard and crumpled it up. Billy backhanded her in the mouth and cut her lip. Cpl. Johnstun noticed a scab on the female's lip where she said Billy caused the injury.
Cpl. Johnstun met Billy at his residence, and Billy stated he knew the police were there to take him to jail.
Cpl. Johnstun asked Billy why he thought the officers were there for a reason and that he was not dumb. Billy was asked about the incident in the vehicle, and he stated the female had destroyed his straw hat during an argument but denied having hit her. Billy indicated he did not know how she got the injury to her lip. Cpl. Johnstun asked Billy if he had been making any threats to harm the female, and he stated he had not.
Billy was arrested and transported to the Uintah County Jail. Billy Jack Watson may post bail in the amount of $1,380.00.
All the articles that come from are from the affidavits & probable cause reports that the officers write. If you would like you can get a copy of the report from the website below. It does cost money to open every document you want to read. You can also look up any case in the state of Utah from this site.