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Two Males Get Arrested For Trespassing In An Apartment

Posted by Travis Uresk | May 12th, 2023 | Trespassing & Drugs |

By Travis Uresk


Vernal, Ut.- On 5/5/23, Cpl. Johnstun was called to a trespassing detail at 250 North 250 West and was advised by dispatch that two subjects had entered the apartment, and the apartment manager stated nobody should be there.

Cpl. Johnstun proceeded to the location, and two male subjects wearing black hoodies were leaving the parking lot. The door to the apartment was partially open.

The Officer spoke to a witness in the parking lot of the apartment complex who stated the two males seen leaving had been inside the apartment. The witness believed one of the subjects was concealing items in his pants, and they could have had a gun.

Cpl. Johnstun requested Cpl. Randall to stop the two subjects and identify them. Cpl. Randall indicated he had located the subjects at around 300 North Vernal Ave. The subjects were identified as 26-year-old Ian Christopher Roberts and 29-year-old Cody Joseph Alverez. The Officers knew of Ian and Cody for having prior drug use.

Ian Christopher Roberts

Cpl. Johnstun drove to the location of Cpl. Randall and the two suspects. A Terry frisk of Ian was conducted based on the report of them having a firearm. In Ian's pant leg was an unusual bulge, but it wasn't recognized as an item of contraband. Ian said it was a bag of his stuff.

The apartment manager indicated the owner of the apartment was in the process of moving out and was currently in the hospital.

Cpl. Johnstun asked Cody and Ian about being inside the apartment, and they said they knew the owner and it was not unusual for them to enter the apartment.

Ian was asked if he had anything illegal on his person, and he said he had a scale. When asked again, he indicated he said he had needles and a meth pipe. Ian retrieved the drug items from the bag, which was stuffed down his pant leg.

Cody Joseph Alverez

Inside the bag were several unused syringes, a syringe loaded with a clear liquid, a glass pipe containing a white crystalline substance, a digital scale, and a black and white ceramic container with a yellow substance. The white crystal substance was meth, and the glass pipe was used to consume meth. Ian indicated the clear liquid was meth, and the yellow wax was THC.

Ian was arrested and transported to the Uintah County Jail and booked for the possession of meth, possession of marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Ian Christopher Roberts

Cody Joseph Alverez

1 comentário

24 de mai. de 2023

When will drug users who's actions impact others ever realize they are not invisible and a time will come when they learn the hard way, that there are eyes everywhere and people are sick of their crap.

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