google-site-verification=v_ojTaMohJeo-zMR6dxs4uqmPG--f6BHSUrxH3Vts3U 332147538997724 An 8-year-old child calls 911 on his parents, saying they are fighting
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An 8-year-old child calls 911 on his parents, saying they are fighting

By Travis Uresk


Vernal, Ut.


Deputy Roth responded to a report of a domestic with the dispatch notes saying that an 8-year-old child had called in and was reporting that his parents were fighting; he had seen his mom hit his dad, and then his dad threw a drink at his mom.

Deputy Roth arrived on scene, and one of the children opened the door. 34-year-old Amoree Jeneal Reese was standing in the living room crying. The Deputy asked her to step outside with the other officer while he located her husband. Amoree said he was in the kitchen and had three children inside the home.

The husband was found in the kitchen, and Deputy Roth began to speak with him. He explained that he had arrived home with two children, and he and his wife began to argue over a social media post she had shared. Her husband stated he had told his wife the video was fake, and she became angry. The husband admitted to making fun of Amoree for getting angry.

He described Amoree walking across the room and smacking him on the left side of his face and ear with her right hand. After she had hit him, he threw an alcoholic drink at his wife, and they continued to argue.

Deputy Roth noticed that the husband's ear was red and inflamed, and he had a slight reddening along his jaw with a red mark on his neck.

Deputy Roth spoke with Amoree and asked her to explain what had happened. She stated that her husband had thrown a beer all over her after coming home. Roth asked her if they had been arguing. She said no and then said he had been making fun of her over a social media post. Amoree was asked why she hit her husband, and she looked at the Deputy and said she didn't know what He was talking about.

Deputy Roth explained to her that both her husband's statement and the call into dispatch stated that she hit her husband. Amoree stated that she hit him, but it was after he threw beer at her. She said her husband had walked up to her and put his chest out during their argument, but he didn't touch her. When Deputy Roth asked why their child explained otherwise to dispatch, Amoree refused to speak with the Deputy any further and refused to fill out a witness statement.

Due to the markings seen on the husband and his statement matching the details given to dispatch by the caller. Amoree was placed under arrest and secured in the patrol vehicle. While being placed under arrest, Amorre stated that she had been the one pushed and that she had been pushed into the wall.

However, when asked, she refused to tell Deputy Roth more information and would only say that the Deputy was making a huge mistake.

Amoree was transported to the Uintah County Jail and, during the intake process, submitted to a portable breath test where her BrAC was positive at a .332, where she admitted to drinking three glasses of wine and four shots of vodka.



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