By Travis Uresk
| Vernal, Ut. | January 29th, 2025 |
At around 6:00 pm, dispatch received a call regarding child abuse. The complainant told dispatch that the victim had welts on her arm where, 31-year-old Boyd Michael Craine, had hit her with a belt.
The victim said she was sitting at the kitchen table when Boyd arrived home from work. She stated that when he walked into the house, he took off his boots and threw them at her, just missing the victim.
The victim told the officer Boyd started yelling at her, telling her to get upstairs. She said she went upstairs to her Boyd's room because she knew what he wanted. Without warning, Boyd took off his belt and began swinging it, hitting the victim.
The officer asked the victim how many times she was hit, and she said, “I honestly don’t know.”
The victim told Boyd to stop hitting her, but he wouldn't. She started to back away from Boyd because she didn't want to be hit anymore, but he kept hitting her. The victim said Boyd pushed her onto the bed and stated he put her hands to the center of her chest, and held her arms down with one hand as he continued to hit her a few more times while yelling at her for skipping school.
The victim later stated Boyd was also poking her on the forehead when he was yelling at her while holding her down on his bed.
After Boyd allowed the victim to get off the bed, she was angry and pushed him. The victim said she was being mean toward him because of what he just did to her. She walked to her bedroom and slammed the door.
The victim said Boyd pushed the door open and started yelling at her again before slapping her across the face when she talked back.
The officer saw several welts on her lower left arm, and the skin was raised from where it appeared she had been hit with something. There were several more welts on her upper left arm. The welts on the lower portion of her left arm were similar in size and shape to the welts on her upper left arm.
The officer did observe slight redness of the skin on the left side of the victim's face, where she said she was slapped, but nothing significant, such as welts, marks, or bruising of the skin.
The officer asked the victim to describe the belt that Boyd used to hit her with. She said it was white in color and plastic.
Police located Boyd at his residence. He walked outside to speak to the police, and he was advised they were there to talk to him about the allegations the victim made against him. Boyd said No before before the officer began reading him his Miranda Rights.
Boyd stated he understood his rights, and when asked if he wanted to speak with police, he said No.
Boyd Michael Craine was placed under arrest and transported to Uintah County jail without incident.
Boyd Craine may post bail in the amount of $1,000.00.

All the articles from 1nationjustice.com are from the affidavits of probable cause reports that the officers write. If you would like, you can get a copy of the report from the website below. It does cost money to get on the site and to open every document you want to read.