Posted by Travis Uresk | April 18th, 2023 | Sex Offender & Warrant |
By Travis Uresk
Ft. Duchesne, Ut.- On 4/16/23, Deputy Ouderkirk responded to a request for agency assistance from the BIA at the Ute Plaza. BIA reported they were called to a suspicious male pacing around and entering customers' cars at the Plaza. It was reported the male suspect had ingested methamphetamine earlier in the day.
When Deputy Ouderkirk arrived and spoke with the vehicle's owner, the male entered his car and went through his belongings. The man stated he was in the store checking out at the register when he and two store employees witnessed the man, 42-year-old Antonio Martinez Tinsley, enter his vehicle.
The victim stated that Antonio was looking through all his belongings in his vehicle.
In speaking with the two employees, they both confirmed these events.
While on scene Deputy Ouderkirk located a warrant for Antonio's arrest out of Duchesne County Justice Court and was informed he was flagged as a non-compliant sex offender. Antonio is listed as non-compliant on NCIC per the state sex offender registry for not updating his address.
Antonio was placed under arrest, and during a search of his person, a social security card for another person that was not Antonio was found.
Antonio admitted to consuming to using methamphetamine earlier. The Deputy asked him, "What his intentions were for entering other individuals' vehicles." Antonio stated, "He thought it was his ride to get home."
Deputy Ouderkirk thought his statement seemed to contradict witnesses who stated they saw him going through personal belongings inside the vehicle since the vehicle was unoccupied.
The Deputy asked Antonio whose social security card he had, and he said, "It was for his cousin and that he found it at his cousin's house."
Deputy Ouderkick added, "This did not make sense, in addition to Antonio not being able to identify addresses and names."
Antonio Tinsley was arrested for his warrant, vehicle burglary, identifying documents possession, and sex offender registry violations (non-compliant location unknown).
Related Article with Antonio Tinsley: