By Travis Uresk
| Vernal, Ut. | May 4th, 2024 |
At 7:00 am, a Vernal City Police Officer responded to the first disorderly at the Uintah County Jail lobby, where the complainant reported a male was yelling and acting erratic. The male was seen wearing a black t-shirt and shorts, barefoot, with a scooter.
Upon arrival, Cpl Ross met 28-year-old Justin Ray Cossel, whom he has dealt with before, in the bathroom. Justin seemed disoriented at times, claiming he was dropping his daughter off at school.
Cpl Ross stated that Justin appeared to be more distraught and agitated than he normally is. Before the officers could talk with Justin further, he took off on his scooter.
At around 9:00 am, another call came in reporting that Justin was riding his scooter without shoes, a dark shirt, and shorts. The complainant stated Justin acted like he was on something because he was yelling at cars and talking to himself. Cpl Ross attempted to locate Justin, but he was no longer in the area.
At approximately 10:00 am, Cpl Ross responded to another disorderly detail involving Justin. The complainant stated Justin was throwing rocks at the library. He fled the area until Officer Beatty located Justin by the Sage Motel.
Justin became more agitated while speaking with Officer Beatty, and he was then placed in handcuffs when Justin spit on Officer Beatty's patrol vehicle.
At this time, Cpl Ross arrived and attempted to speak with Justin, but he began to scream and call the officer obscenities. Justin had to be physically escorted to the patrol vehicle, where he was transported to the Uintah County Jail, where he had to be physically escorted out of the patrol vehicle by jail deputies into the Pre-booking cell.
While in the cell, Justin began screaming, cussing, and hitting the cell door with his feet and head.
Justin Ray Cossel is being held on a $350 bail.
All the articles that come from are from the affidavits & probable cause reports that the officers write. If you would like you can get a copy of the report from the website below. It does cost money to open every document you want to read.
I watched him punch the ground around Wells Fargo around 8:30 to 9:00 am