By Travis Uresk 11/8/23
Vernal, Ut.- Around 7:00 p.m. on 11/3/23, Officer McCurdy was called to an intoxicated individual at 7-Eleven at 501 East Main Street. Dispatch received a call from an off-duty Detective.
Call notes indicated a male in his twenties, wearing a gray sweatshirt and jeans, standing in front of customers' vehicles.
The Detective warned the male, who was yelling at military service members from across the parking lot. When Officer McCurdy arrived, the male yelled something at the Officer as he drove past.
McCurdy made contact with a male at approximately 500 East 133 South at the entrance to the Tri-County Health Department. 25-year-old Lane Bow Hunt spoke. His speech was slurred, indicative of alcohol consumption. Lane was confronted about him standing in front of vehicles at 7-Eleven, and he acknowledged he was "Just fucking around with them."
Lane appeared agitated by the police presence and kept telling McCurdy I already knew. Lane was observed with a fresh laceration with blood on his right hand. Lane mentioned he put on a show at the 500 East Intersection before eventually admitting to hitting a pole. While speaking with Lane, the faint odor of alcohol was smelled emitting from his person.
When Lane was asked where he lived, he told the Officer he lived at 480 West 500 East. McCurdy explained to Lane that was not an address, and he mentioned another address of 500 East 480 North. Lane's address on his identification showed another.
McCurdy asked Lane if anyone could come and pick him up, and he initially acknowledged they could, but where on the mountain? Officer McCurdy determined Lane was a danger to himself or others. He also determined lane caused a public inconvenience by obstructing vehicular traffic in a public place. Lane also recklessly created a physically offensive condition by hitting a light pole in the intersection, which served no legitimate purpose.
Lane was advised he was under arrest, and McCurdy attempted to secure him in handcuffs. The Officer was able to secure the first hand in handcuffs. Then Lane became noncompliant by trying to grab the Officer and fight. McCurdy was able to get Lane to the ground, but he continued to resist a lawful arrest and would not give McCurdy his other hand.
A Military service member observed the incident and ran to assist Officer McCurdy in securing Lane into handcuffs. During the struggle, Lane was able to turn his body, now facing McCurdy, where Lane reached up and grabbed him by the throat. Multiple law enforcement officers arrived to assist in securing Lane into handcuffs.
During the struggle, Lane attempted to bite the military service member in uniform. Lane kicked McCurdy and three other separate officers and also headbutted one. While Lane was being escorted to a patrol vehicle, he threatened officers by saying he would take a 9mm and blast them in the head. Lane was booked into the Uintah County Jail.
