Posted by Travis Uresk | Feb. 23rd, 2023 | Domestic Violence |
By Travis Uresk
Roosevelt, Ut.- On 2/5/23 around 3:30 pm, Officer Christensen responded to domestic violence in progress at 271 E 1875 S in Roosevelt, Utah.
When the Police arrived, they could see a female and a male, Jordan Phil Benson, yelling at each other and breathing hard. They separated the two and had the female enter her bedroom while another officer spoke with Jordan in the kitchen.
Officer Christensen spoke with the female; she had blood on her hand, arm, and neck. She was very shaken up and was crying. She stated Jordan had been drinking, and she and Jordan started verbally arguing about an Instagram post.
She said they were yelling at each other back and forth, and Jordan started to act aggressive, and that is when she asked Jordan to leave to calm down. She stated all of a sudden, Jordan got very upset and started to push her on her forehead with his fingers hard, calling her a princess.
She said it hurt and that she could see Jordan getting angry, and she then asked Jordan to stop. Jordan did not stop, and she then sternly told Jordan to stop. She stated he still did not stop jabbing her on the forehead with his fingers.
She grabbed his wrist to get him to stop, and Jordan started to use his other hand to jab at her forehead. She begged Jordan to stop and that Jordan kept jabbing at her forehead.
This was when she punched him in the lip, and Jordan stopped jabbing her, and she could see blood everywhere. She stated Jordan started to yell at her some more, stating how she was ruining the kids' lives and how she was ruining everything.
She then grabbed her phone from the bar stool and walked around the bar to the dining room. She had her phone in her hand, and she was attempting to call dispatch, and Jordan knocked the phone out of her hand so she couldn’t call.
She remembered Jordan attempting to punch her, but he missed her, and that is when her son came out of his room. There were two other kids in the room just down the hallway of the kitchen, a 14-year-old, a 3-year-old, and a 2-year-old. She told her son to call dispatch.
She said Jordan told him not to call dispatch, and she told him to get the neighbors. Jordan again told him not to do that either. She demanded that her son call dispatch.
Jordan entered the garage, walked back in, and spit blood all over her.
Officer Christensen took pictures of the woman’s forehead, hands, arms, and neck where the blood Jordan spit hit her, and she had a red circle on her forehead that was approximately 2 inches across and 2 inches wide.
The victim told Officer Christensen she thought she might have broken her finger from the punch.
Officer Christensen went and spoke with Jordan, and he admitted he had drank about 4-5 beers. Jordan did state she did not drink any alcohol. Jordan stated they started arguing over an Instagram post, and he wanted to comment on the post, but the victim did not want him to.
Jordan stated that when he patted her on the forehead and called her a princess, she punched him out of nowhere. Jordan stated he thought it was because he was calling her a princess.
Jordan stated they started to argue, and that is when she handed him her phone to put in his pocket, and then the Police showed up.
Jordan did have a split lip on the left side of his mouth. The lip was bleeding pretty good. Jordan denied any medical. Upon searching Jordan, he did have his cell phone and the victim’s cell phone in his pocket.
Officer Christensen transported Jordan to the UBMC for medical clearance and then to the Duchesne County Jail to be booked in.
Jordan was the primary aggressor in this situation by pushing the victim on the forehead, and she asked him to stop, but he refused. Jordan knocked the phone out of her hand while attempting to call 911. There were also three children in the home at the time of the incident.
To watch the virtual hearing, click the link below. It starts at 9:00 am on 2/27/23